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Past Events

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Designing Career Growth with Dee Scarano

Do you ever feel you have little control over your work situation? Or wonder what factors are essential to position yourself and make career moves? Dee will share how she made career choices and tradeoffs, recovered after a career crisis, and shaped her career around personal values and character strengths.


Design Makes Futures with Adam Zeiner

What is the relationship between systems, futures, and design thinking? Adam Zeiner, senior strategic designer at the Design Institute for Health, will discuss applying a futures thinking mindset as a designer through utilizing futures methods + frameworks, largely from the fields of futures studies & strategic foresight.


Designing Kindness with Pietro Gregorini

How can we ensure that our design work has a positive impact on the world? In this talk, Pietro Gregorini will talk about his experience when designers collectively put their skills to good and how we can incorporate these practices into our daily design practice.