How to Lead with Facilitation

Learn how facilitation can accelerate your design career in a 60-min. masterclass

How can facilitation make me a design leader?

The world is just waking up to the power of design, and designers are poised to become leaders in every kind of organization. But the skills that made you good at design won’t make you good at design leadership. It’s not about you anymore. It’s about the whole team.

Design facilitators guide others to experience good design firsthand. They increase the design skills of everyone around them by energizing and including everyone.

Learning facilitation skills is the perfect way to start becoming a leader. And you don’t even have to stand in the spotlight to do it.

Join this masterclass by Educator & Facilitator, Hannah Baker and learn how facilitation can help you lead through collaboration. You’ll walk away knowing how facilitation can be crucial to improving not only the design at your organization but your career.

Who should join

  • UX Designers that want to have more ownership in the design process

  • Product Designers that want to make more impact on product decisions

  • Service Designers that want to feel more confident during workshops

  • Design Leaders that want to inspire their teams rather than manage them

What we’ll cover

  • How facilitation multiplies your design impact

  • Specific skills you can train to build your “facilitator’s mindset”

  • Facilitating meetings and collaboration moments beyond workshops

Questions we’ll answer

  • What is Facilitation?

  • How can becoming a facilitator build resilience in my career?

  • How will facilitation help me be seen as a leader?

We’ll share the top learnings from our LIVE course, Facilitating Workshops, so you can learn how to design creative working sessions and lead collaborative work.

Attendees will leave with a new toolkit to confidently own collaboration as a part of their UX role and drive focused design initiatives for their team that align stakeholders and improve projects.


Feedback from past events

  • “super insightful 60 minutes, wish it would extend”

  • “Hi guys, today I watched your masterclass about UX metrics, and it was a REAL masterclass!!! I’ve been so skeptical whenever some webinar is for free. But after Continuous research, I was already like, “WTF!” And today again. You should create some pro-group or something”

  • “It was really great, I've learn what I was attempt to and now I feel more confident”

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